Visualizza Versione Completa : help 100.000 km

18/10/2005, 13:53
"only in english" not for me :oops:

Ciao a tutti, la mia Fazer 600 del 2001 sta per compiere i 100.000 km, in Italia credo che ce ne siano poche e sul nostro forum nessuna, per questo mi rivolgo a tutti i Fazermen per chiedere se ci sono lavori da fare oltre la solita manutenzione di routine.
Potreste ripetere la mia domanda su i vostri Forum e riportarmi le risposte?

P.S.: se qualche anima pia potesse tradurla in qualche altra lingua gliene sarei grato. :wink:

18/10/2005, 14:54
Ci penso io:



18/10/2005, 15:00
Non mi sembra che abbia conservato il senso

18/10/2005, 15:01
Non mi sembra che abbia conservato il senso
Beh Angelo, un po' te la sei cercata :lol:
Complimenti per la percorrenza 8)
A una Fazerina diesel ci hai mai pensato? :D

18/10/2005, 15:06
Non mi sembra che abbia conservato il senso

:lol: Ok, provvedo a redimermi.

I'm translating the message of Angelo on behalf of foreign people.

Hello to everybody!

My Fazer 600 of 2001 is gonna to reach 100.000 Km.
I personally believe that in Italy nobody reached this target, so I'd like to have some opinion about extraordinary maintenance.
Do you believe that the one listed in the manual is enough or should I make some other check/work on the bike?


19/10/2005, 21:53
Non mi sembra che abbia conservato il senso

:lol: Ok, provvedo a redimermi.

I'm translating the message of Angelo on behalf of foreign people.

Hello to everybody!

My Fazer 600 of 2001 is gonna to reach 100.000 Km.
I personally believe that in Italy nobody reached this target, so I'd like to have some opinion about extraordinary maintenance.
Do you believe that the one listed in the manual is enough or should I make some other check/work on the bike?


:lol: :lol:

15/02/2006, 19:52
CONGRATULAZIONI :mrgreen: angelo

06/05/2006, 23:37
I don't think anyone else has reached 60K miles :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

25/05/2006, 09:33
Angelo....Buy another bike....it's old.


25/05/2006, 23:45
Angelo....Buy another bike....it's old.
But sempr funzionant very well :wink:

26/05/2006, 09:12
Angelo....Buy another bike....it's old.
But sempr funzionant very well :wink:

I see everything in Tuscany...great bike great driver... :wink:

29/01/2007, 16:52
:shock: :shock: 100000???

at the face!!! :shock: :shock:

29/01/2007, 19:36
:shock: :shock: 100000???

at the face!!! :shock: :shock:
and now 112.900 :D

29/01/2007, 20:33
:shock: :shock: 100000???

at the face!!! :shock: :shock:
and now 112.900 :D

insaziabile....sei peggio del giri :lol: :lol:

29/01/2007, 21:43
Go Angelo Goooooooooooooooo (very very english 8) ) :wink:

29/01/2007, 22:16
Go Angelo Goooooooooooooooo (very very english 8) ) :wink:
Oh yes, the english is my second lingue, bat i not ricord the firsth 8)

30/01/2007, 21:04
OT to beast
One question:
Angelo, but....when we ci vedemm?? :roll: 8) :D :wink:
End OT to beast

31/01/2007, 00:06
OT to beast
One question:
Angelo, but....when we ci vedemm?? :roll: 8) :D :wink:
End OT to beast
TO FazerTuscania minim :D