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19/02/2010, 09:58
Questo 3ad è stato creato per consentire a chi vuole esercitare il proprio inglese di farlo, pertanto in quest’area è ammessa solo la lingua inglese

This thread has been created to allow people who likes to exercise his/her English to do so.
Please, only English in this area.
Any subject is allowed because the aim is only to have the opportunity to learn some English in an amusing way.
Any suggestion about English expressions, or mistakes correction on sentences read on this thread are welcome. They could became themselves a subject of conversation and discussion.

19/02/2010, 09:59
(if anybody finds any mistakes in my sentences, please correct them, this is a chance to do some English exercise.... :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Yep, I would like doing a little bit of English exercises. It's a lot of time I've been searching a partner to do this. I also tried to find a earnest penpal club across the internet, but I found just russian pretty girls 8). They begin with a funny conversation but the aim is evermore the same: coming in Italy and get married with one of us. I would be liar if I said that I'm not interested on them, but unfortunately I'm already married and my wife could kill me if only I gave her a reason to be suspicious...
You know, if she sees me involved on a internet chat or something like a forum, she begins with questions: "what are you doing ?", "who's there ?", "why are you laughing like this ?". Can I reply: "Sweet, it's only a foolish thing of those featherbrain friends on FazerItalia, come on !" ?
It's a very difficult situation, especially when periodically I have to check the only section were I do my moderator's work, this one: "[CFC-wildporks] Ma si, parliamo di gnocca..." (click on this link: https://www.fazeritalia.it/fazerforum/viewtopic.php?t=59997 ). It's a dangerous and an heavy job, but I gladly sacrifice myself for you everybody and to allow this community to become more pleasant and more friendly. I hope somebody could in return help me improving my English. Can you ?

...and also obviously, from the heigh of your respectable skilled age, advice me how to solve my issue with russian girls and wife. :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

This looks such a good idea to me to induce me to open a special thread.
I think I don’t have so much English to teach to you as it seems your English is better than mine. Your dictionary seems richer and your expressions more fluent and “English”.
I have studied a lot of English but my opportunities of use it have always been very poor. In this way I realise that my dictionary could be quite good (even if it is slowly degenerating) but my brain needs time to find the more correct terms and constructions while I’m speaking so I can compose a (more or less) correct sentence if I write it but I don’t manage to do the same while speaking.

Talking about your problems, many are the matters involved.
The first: I suppose a Russian pretty girl can teach many jobs and plays, I’m not so sure she can improve a good English.
The second: keeping in contact with a young pretty girl living 3000 Km away, could produce “physical problems” which could hardly be solved and, especially, explained to your wife.

I too have a problems similar to yours.
I ‘ve travelled many times in English speaking countries for holidays but always together with my wife. In this way I’m always with her, and of course we speak Italian. The only opportunities to speak English arrives when we go to the restaurant or to the hotel but the subjects of conversations are always the same and the conversations themselves are always quite short.
So I proposed a solution to my wife. I could go on holiday alone, but also in this way the opportunities to speak would be poor. The best solution is to find a local girl to carry around on my motorbike and to speak to. Why a girl and not a boy? Well, this is a matter of delicacy. English people are puritan and two men sleeping in the same room could seem improper.

I don’t understand, it seemed such a perfect solution but my wife didn’t approve it.
Sometimes women’s brain is so little flexible!!!

19/02/2010, 10:02
I like it :wink:

19/02/2010, 10:20
what a great idea :wink: where did you learn English so well ?have you spent some weeks in UK ?.......

19/02/2010, 10:45


19/02/2010, 10:48
What the hell do you want, man with strange and funny hat ???? :twisted: :mrgreen:

19/02/2010, 10:55
the cat is on the table :roll: :roll:

and your brain is on the WC :lol: :lol: :lol:

19/02/2010, 11:10
the cat is on the table :roll: :roll:

and your brain is on the WC :lol: :lol: :lol:

as usual....another 3D gone to bad woman.... :roll:

19/02/2010, 11:38


It seems that the aim of Aldo is a confrontation between those who wanted to improve their english, so I would very pleased if his intention to get us more fluent in english will reach its goal. This is only my opinion or, if you like the idiomatic phrases, this is my two pennies worth.

So there ! The idiomatic phrases are one of the things that none can teach you if you don't go somewhere in England or in the USA.

19/02/2010, 11:56
we can to talk about.... 8) :mrgreen: giovanni rana :lol:

19/02/2010, 12:12
we can to talk about.... 8) :mrgreen: giovanni rana :lol:
In Italy they say: ... what can you expect if you given pearls to pigs ? 8)

19/02/2010, 12:26
In Italy they say: ... what can you expect if you given pearls to pigs ?

I quote you ... :wink:

19/02/2010, 12:43


Quotone :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

19/02/2010, 12:55
what's your name?

19/02/2010, 13:00
So there ! The idiomatic phrases are one of the things that none can teach you if you don't go somewhere in England or in the USA.

The method I studied English with paid much attention to idiomatic phrases. The lessons from one to fifty teach the standard grammatical English, the lessons from fifty to a hundred teach the idiomatic English. Practically everything you studied during the first fifty lessons is taught again using idiomatic phrases or phrasal verbs.
I arrived to the lesson 75 but, as I said, my poor opportunity to speak and consolidate what I learned has reduced my possibility to speak as fluently as I could if I could have spent some time in GB or America.
The funny thing is that the Shenker Method teaches a very good pronunciation so people that listen to me while speaking english think my English is very good :lol: :lol: :lol: . A couple of year ago, in Ireland, a lady, in a BeB, told me:
You speak English very well, we don’t ….. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

19/02/2010, 13:03

8)3D moved.

19/02/2010, 14:51
Bravo Giri :wink:

19/02/2010, 15:32
Bravo Giri :wink:

Oh dear, what a hero !
So, are you satisfacted right now ? I really don't understand, if you don't want to look into a thread, go away and don't take care about those things which you are not interested on. Maybe you was annoyed about our enthusiasm ? Got bored ?
Do anything all of you want, I think this is a goofy way to manage things.
There are people that do nothing and which dont let the others to do something. A strange world.

Ah, a note. This section, as for as specified above the title of the item, is not designed to improve our english but to meet other Fazer owners all around in the world. So, we are really off topic right now.
If you like so, for me (as they say in Florence and also in Leghorn), porta una sega ! Which literally in english is "I dont care a saw". For the idiomatic phrase, more friendly for our all around the world friends, I have to look around and find the right version. ;)

22/02/2010, 09:01
Hi! So we’ve been relegated into the ghetto, at last!
It’s an incredible matter! I do understand that politicians aim to drive there people completely ignorant so they can be controlled more easily.
It’s a matter of a short time ago, an Italian VIP said that Napoleon won the Waterloo battle. Listening a declaration like that a cultured person thinks “how silly of him!”, an ignorant person thinks “how clever of him!”. Ignorant people are more easily influenced.
Furthermore perhaps they are afraid that a little knowledge of English language could allow people to read those awful communist foreigner media.
What I don’t understand, and don’t admit, is people that want to be ignorant and are proud about it. They refuse culture and the ones who wanted to understand something about the world. They love to swim in a flat pudding of ignorance where the important matters are electronic devices, clothes, motorbike tuning, without travelling of course otherwise your mind could get opened seeing something different from what you are used to.
As foreigner people can read these posts they can think that Italians are rapidly descending the slope but luckily someone can save himself.
If our moderator want this, this is the best place where to relegate such posts.

22/02/2010, 10:00
I would mean that we have to wait for a while to allow them visiting Google Translator, as they need to produce a sensible reply. :|
What sadness !

But, there we are, I invite you babbling ! :wink:
You used a non canonical form of affermative sentence: "I do understand..." and so on. It is like a strengthening in the spoken language, but it doesn't exist in the formal english. Tell us something.

Come on ! Let us know about this form that many teachers don't teach at school... ;)

22/02/2010, 10:02
sorry but......do you know "lidl"????? :roll:

22/02/2010, 10:46
I would mean that we have to wait for a while ...

You used a non canonical form of affermative sentence: "I do understand..." and so on. It is like a strengthening in the spoken language, but it doesn't exist in the formal english. Tell us something.

Most people doesn't frequently drop in this room, particularly the ones who relegated us inside here, so I belive that not many answer will arrive. :lol: :lol:

The auxiliary verb "do" used in an affirmative sentence is, as you wrote, a strengthening, as "I really understand...". I don't really know if this form is usable only in the spoken language and not in the written one, but I suppose that in a case like this, we are writing as we were friendly talking in a pub, so that colloquial forms can be allowed.

I find your English very good and rich of colloquial forms, I suppose you spent a relevant length of time in an English spoken country and I think I have to learn a lot from you. So sometime I have to concentrate myself to understand your message. If you add that, as everybody, you sometimes commit typing error, I have to scrape my had to understand whether what you wrote was an unusual form or a typing error.
For my own interest, I ask you to write your posts in Word (as I do, I’m not so sure anymore of words spelling) so I can be (almost) sure, that what I read is a form I don’t know and not a typing error :lol: :lol: :lol:

22/02/2010, 11:06
please....can you slow down a bit??

google translator does not understand one "fava" of what you are writing..... :roll: :mrgreen:

22/02/2010, 11:14
Can we spam in english simetimes on this 3D?
I have an amazing story (in maccheronic english) to post; can I do?

22/02/2010, 11:15
di corsa.... :mrgreen: ....ops.... :oops: ....of course :mrgreen:

22/02/2010, 12:03
May we spam in english sometimes on this 3D?
I have an amazing story (in maccheronic english) to post; may I do it?

Please do!
if your English will happen to be too much "maccheronic" we will spread you with shit, but nothing else or worse will happen to you (dear foreigner friends excuse me for this expression, it is an Italian gross expression used for joke).
By the way, the automatic forum editor which cut and censure impolite terms doesn't work with English words..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

22/02/2010, 12:15
please....can you slow down a bit??

google translator does not understand one "fava" of what you are writing..... :roll: :mrgreen:

Fava? what's "fava"?

do you mean a "broad bean"?

How does a broad bean concern with google translator? :lol: :lol: :lol:


22/02/2010, 12:15
May we spam in english sometimes on this 3D?
I have an amazing story (in maccheronic english) to post; may I do it?

Please do!
if your English will happen to be too much "maccheronic" we will spread you of shit, but nothing else or worse will happen (dear foreigner friends excuse me for this expression, it is an Italian gross expression used for joke).
By the way, the automatic forum editor which cut and censure impolite terms doesn't work with English words..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, here we are...

I'd write: "if your English will be too "maccheronic", we will shed a lot of shit on you...". What do U think about ?

23/02/2010, 10:36
Well, as this thread has became a chat line between us I’m going to tell you how I’ve been spending my last week end.

You must know that I like the “do it yourself”. Particularly I like very much to be independent and realise anything I need exactly as I like it, when I want it, not having the need to contact other people who arrive when they want and realise the work more or less as they like. I do myself almost everything I have to do both inside and outside my house. The only field in which I don’t operate is electronics.
I live in a small house in the country, on a hill just behind Genoa at 350m of altitude, but facing the sea, which I can see far down the valley. At about one o’clock p.m. the sunlight reflects on the sea surface towards my house and I can see from my windows the whole sea surface shining of sunlight and the big ships in the middle waiting for entering the harbour.
It’s a position I love so much.

Well, as I was saying I use to do all my works myself.
The most urgent work I have to do is to rebuilt my balcony stair. The actual stair is made of iron profiles with steps of wood. That stair is 40 years old, and I am afraid that one day or another it could let me drop down. I’ve already substitute the steps twice, but now it’s the iron profile that concern me. Rust has deeply corroded the profiles and the stair is becoming less ad less safe.
I have to buy new iron profiles to cut and weld together to produce a new frame. I have the intention to order the new steps in undying stone.
By the way I am going to built the new stair a little longer and a little higher than the actual one to eliminate an annoying step on the top of the stair between the stair landing and the balcony floor. Furthermore I would like the stair to became a bit longer to have the possibility to open a small logline, whose ceiling is actually closed, and often get stuffed with leaves and sand. Unfortunately the stair rests actually just on the ceiling of the logline

Now the problem is to buy the iron bars and carry them home. I have an iron supplier not too far away from home but the problem is to carry long an heavy bars by my own, without calling a truck owner. I have a trailer which can be towed by my car, but his dimension is not enough to contain the bars. Besides, I don’t like bars protruding out of the trailer on the back side (and over a specific length it is no legal too)
So, Saturday morning, I have built an iron frame to mount on the trailer at the front side, which allows to carry the bars inside the back side of the trailer and to keep the front side of them resting on the frame over the car roof. A bar welded at the middle of frame is fixed at the front side of the trailer frame by a bolt for a rapid assembly and avoids the frame to lay down and let the bars drop on the car roof.
A couple of weeks ago Alberto Angela in his tv programme Ulisse explained that one of the first steps in the development of the human brain is the use of tools to build tools. I am glad to realise that I am at least more clever than a Neanderthal man :lol: :lol: :lol:
What else I did in the week end is a matter for the next post…

23/02/2010, 12:48
Unfortunately this topic is interesting but also a p2p-type* one in this forum, like the one opened by Spike concerning Caravaggio's exhibition in Rome.

* p2p = pearls to pigs

23/02/2010, 14:05
All right! (OK) here is the story. Can (or May, as you prefer) correct it?

Red Cappuccett

One mattin her mamma dissed: "Dear Cappuccett, take this cest to the nonn, but attention to the lup that is very ma very kattiv! And torn prest! Good luck! And in bocc at the lup!".
Cappuccett didn’t cap very well this ultim thing but went away, da sol, with the cest. Cammining cammining, in the cuor of the forest, at a cert punt she incontered the lup, who dissed: "Hi! Piccula piezz’e girl! ‘Ndove do you go?". "To the nonn with this little cest, which is little but it is full of a sacc of chocolate and biscots and panettons and more and mirtills", she dissed.
"Ah, mannagg ‘a Maruschella (maybe an expression com: what a cul that had)" dissed the lup, with a fium of saliv out of the bocc.
And so the lup dissed: "Beh, now I dev andar because the telephonin is squilling, sorry."
And the lup went away, but not very away, but to the nonn’s House.
Cappuccett Red, who was very ma very lent, lent un casin, continued for her sentier in the forest. The lup arrived at the house, suoned the campanel, entered, and after saluting the nonn, magned her in a boccon. Then, after sputing the dentier, he indossed the ridicol night berret and fikked himself in the let.
When Cappuccett Red came to the fint nonn’s house, suoned and entered.
But when the little and stupid girl saw the nonn (non was the nonn, but the lup, ricord?) dissed: "But nonn, why do you stay in let?". And the nonn-lup: "Oh, I’ve stort my cavigl doing aerobics!". "Oh, poor nonn!", said Cappuccett (she was more than stupid, I think,wasn’t she?). Then she dissed: "But…what big okks you have! Do you bisogn some collir?". "Oh, no! It’s for see you better, my dear (stupid) little girl", dissed the nonn-lup.
Then cappuccett, who was more dur than a block of marm: "But what big oreks you have! Do you have the Orekkions?". And the nonn-lup: "Oh, no! It is to ascolt you better".
And Cappuccett (that I think was now really rincoglionited) said: "But what big dents you have!". And the lup, at this point dissed: "It is to magn you better!".
And magned really tutt quant the poor little girl.
But (ta dah!) out of the house a simpatic, curious and innocent cacciator of frod sented all and dissed: "Accident! A lup! Its pellicc vals a sac of solds". And so, spinted only for the compassion for the little girl, butted a terr many kils of volps, fringuells and conigls that he had ammazzed till that moment, imbracced the fucil, entered in the stanz and killed the lup.
Then squarced his panz (being attent not to rovin the pellicc) and tired fora the nonn (still viv) and Cappuccett (still rincoglionited).
And so, at the end, the cacciator of frod vended the pellicc and guadagned honestly a sacc of solds.
The nonn magned tutt the leccornies that were in the cest.
And so, everybody lived felix and content (maybe not the lup!).

23/02/2010, 15:37
All right! (OK) here is the story. Can (or May, as you prefer) correct it?

Red Cappuccett

Very nice and amusing (not so, I suppose, for our foreign friends... :lol: :lol: . This is Italian that sounds like English...)

As soon as possible I will tell you another funny version of the fairy tale Little red hood

23/02/2010, 15:39

Can (or May, as you prefer) correct it?

I didnt find any mistakes, thank you mister five minutes.


24/02/2010, 08:22
As I promised here is my tale:

From the series “The blacksmith tales”
Little red hood

Once upon a time Little red hood’s mother asked her daughter to carry some delicacy to her grandmother who lived alone in the middle of the wood. Little red hood liked a lot riding her mountain bike in the wood so she happily took her bike and left towards her grandmother’s house.
A very bad wolf (every wolf is very bad in fairy tales) noticed the little girl riding the bike in the wood and decided to catch her.
He hided behind a big tree an waited.
As the girl passed by him he jumped in front of her, the girl fell down breaking her bike.
“You stupid mangy old wolf !!!!” cried the girl. “You have made me brake down my bike! You must repair it immediately!!”
The wolf scared from the girl attack, took his welder and welded her bike
So Little red Hood could be able to leave again towards her grandmother’s house.
But the wolf couldn’t easily surrender from eating the little tender girl, so he waited again her behind next tree and when she arrived he jumped again towards her but he missed her again.
The girl scared from the wolf dropped again down the bike which broke again.
The girl furious shouted to the wolf: You damned son of a bitch! you have broken my bike again! You must repair it just at once!
The wolf had to take his welder and weld again Little red hood’s bike, the girl took her bike and left again.
The wolf decided to change his strategy, ran to the grandmother’s house, ate her in a bit and put himself in the bed wearing the grandmother’s nightdress and cap.
Suddenly Little red hood arrived:
“Hi, granny, how are you?”
“fine my dear little red hood”
“Oh! Granny, what a huge ears you have today!”
“my dear, they are to ear you better!”
“my dear granny, what big red eyes you have today!”
“you blasted little monster! I have spent the whole day welding your bike!!!!!”
(if anybody has not practice in welding, it can be quite irritant for eyes)

24/02/2010, 10:22
I have already read this nice tale somewhere...

maybe here? https://www.fazeritalia.it/fazerforum/viewtopic.php?t=67872

24/02/2010, 10:39
I have already read this nice tale somewhere...

maybe here? https://www.fazeritalia.it/fazerforum/viewtopic.php?t=67872

Sorry. I don't often drop into Fazercomicus. I didn't noticed it.

Well, I've written it for our foreign friends

24/02/2010, 10:55
I have already read this nice tale somewhere...

maybe here? https://www.fazeritalia.it/fazerforum/viewtopic.php?t=67872

Sorry. I don't often drop into Fazercomicus. I didn't noticed it.

Well, I've written it for our foreign friends

Don't worry, I appreciate your english version! :wink:

24/02/2010, 11:55
the bike broke again

It must have been a FIAT bike :mrgreen:

14/03/2010, 15:20
Anyway, pickin' up this thread (and also leaving the things going where they want), if you want to improve your english, I suggest you this lovable forum where my nickname is "Goodfellow":


29/08/2012, 21:09
was bender already taken?